The evaluation of the electrical safety and performances of a BIPV system or component is a crucial aspect if we consider the transition from a traditional building product, which is a passive component, to an electrically active element: two historically separate “worlds” now meet each other. The general goal is the development of New Testing Procedures (NTPs) and the design and assembly of dedicated laboratory equipment and control software, aimed to assess the essential safety and performance requirements of BIPV products, in the framework of a performance-based approach. The main technical requirements about electrical safety to be assessed are in particular:

  1. Possibly increased operating temperatures of the BIPV products due to different thermal insulation conditions and shading scenarios (increased risks of overheating)
  2. Suitability and durability of the materials and components used in the construction of the BIPV product to operate as intended at potentially higher temperatures (as defined in point 1.), while maintaining adequate safety and performance levels over time.
  3. Suitability of the protective devices (bypass diodes) included in the PV product to withstand the increased thermal stresses, due to non-conventional shading conditions and reduced heat dissipation conditions.

BIPVBOOST Indoor & outdoor performance-based laboratory testing procedures for BIPV products contributing partners