The PV excess energy can be locally stored in the battery or in the building thermal inertia as the main sources of flexibility. Thermal management platform utilizes the inherent flexibility related to the thermal inertia to reduce the operating costs while preserving the user comfort. SynaptiQ Asset Flexibility module as the Electrical Management Platform developed in BIPVBoost project compromises the total energy costs with the reduction of power flow at the PCC by an optimized battery schedules in collaboration with the Thermal management platform.

Processes and Services of the SynaptiQ Cloud EMS (SaaS)


SynaptiQ Cloud-based Cooperative Energy Management System: Services (top) and Building blocks (down)


Mixed-Integer Linear (MIL) optimization model sample result: Self-consumption enhancement preventing the injection violation.



BIPVBOOST Cloud-based energy management system for tertiary buildings, including BIPV generation and storage management contributing partners